Does Bowling Ball Color Matter? & Why!

Are you tired of searching, “Does bowling color matter or does it affect its performance?

Well, here’s a refreshing truth: Bowling ball color doesn’t matter now but it did in the past!

In the old days, bowling ball dyes played a significant role in weight and performance, 

but with the advent of modern liquid pigments, the impact has diminished.

Why So? I have answered this below …

Moreover, we’ll even dive into the psychology of colors 

and how bowling ball color can affect your game psychologically.

So, let’s explore the colorful world of bowling and find out if color truly matters.

Key Learnings

– Bowling ball color used to be important in the past as it indicated weight of the ball.

– The impact of dyes on bowling ball performance was practical, as different dyes affected the ball’s weight and reaction on the lane.

Modern liquid pigments have advanced formulas and are much lighter so they don’t add up weight to the bowling ball

– While bowling ball color does not significantly matter today in terms of performance, color psychology can still influence a bowler’s focus, concentration, and overall performance.

Why Bowling Ball Color Mattered In The Old Days?

In the old days, the color of bowling balls mattered because it indicated the weight of the ball

Different colors were used to differentiate between lighter and heavier balls.

Bowling Ball Color Was Used to Indicate Weight In the Old Days

Back in the old days, the color of a bowling ball was used to indicate its weight.

Lighter bowling balls were often colored in bright, vibrant hues, while heavier balls were typically darker in color.

This color-coding system allowed bowlers to easily identify the weight and composition of a ball just by looking at its color, making it a convenient and practical way to choose the right ball for their game.

What colors were used to indicate heavy bowling balls & Lighter Bowling balls?

Dark colors like black were typically used to indicate heavier bowling balls, while lighter colors like white were used for lighter ones

This was because dark colors required more dye, which made the ball heavier.

But, the real question is: why dark bowling balls were used to indicate heaviness in old bowling days… 

Here is the answer…

In Old Days Bowling Balls The Dyes Pigmentation Was Denser

The dyes used for pigmentation in old days bowling balls could actually add to their weight …

The dye composition, density, weight, and pigmentation all played a role in the performance of the bowling ball. 

Because of adding weight to the ball, dyes had different effects on the ball’s reaction on the lane.

For example, 

In past dark bowling balls would be heavy because of more dye quantity,

and lighter color bowling balls would be light because of less dye quantity.

But, it changed in the modern era …

Why Bowling Ball Color Does Not Significantly Matter Today?

This is because of the difference in composition of modern liquid pigments vs. old days dyes..

The composition of these pigments has evolved significantly. 

Your modern liquid pigments differ from old days dyes in terms of their density and composition.

Today, bowling balls are colored using liquid pigments, which are much lighter and less dense than dyes.

As a result, there is no significant difference in weight between dark and light colored bowling balls.

  • Understand With Simple Example:

Picture a glass of water. When you add a single drop of food coloring to it, the water changes color, but its weight and taste remain largely unchanged.

Now, imagine you introduce a spoonful of sugar into the water. This will noticeably alter both the weight and the taste of the water.


If you incorporate a small quantity of liquid pigment into a bowling ball, it won’t notably affect the ball’s weight or performance.

However, if you add a substantial amount of dye to the bowling ball, it could indeed have a significant impact on its weight.

The focus now lies on factors such as surface texture, core design, and coverstock. 

As far as bowling ball color’s psychological effect of bowling is concerned, yes it exists…

Psychology of Colors & How It Can Affect Bowling Performance for Bowlers?

Bowling ball color has no significant impact on its performance nowadays…


Color psychology also influence the performance as certain colors are believed to evoke specific emotions or behaviors.

In sports psychology, the role of color is significant in determining player confidence…

Different colors can evoke different emotions and elicit certain reactions, which can in turn affect your focus, concentration, and overall performance on the bowling alley.

For example:

The color red is often associated with aggression and dominance. 

When a team wears red jerseys, it can create a subconscious psychological effect on both the players and their opponents, potentially boosting the team’s confidence and assertiveness on the field. 

This demonstrates how color can impact player confidence by influencing their mindset and competitive spirit.

What Other Bowlers Are Saying About Bowling Ball’s Color Impact?

Here is what bowlers said about bowling ball color’s impact on Ball Reviews

People used to think that the color of a bowling ball mattered for its performance, especially during the urethane era. 

However, in today’s bowling with advanced coverstocks, the color of the ball doesn’t really affect your ball selection or how it performs. 

Back then, ball color was used as a way to visually sort and categorize balls based on their hook potential, with darker colors representing more hook and lighter colors indicating less hook.

Closing Thoughts – Does Bowling Ball Color Matter?

So, does the color of a bowling ball really matter? In today’s modern era of bowling, the answer is no. 

The composition of modern liquid pigments has no impact on the weight or performance of the ball.

Instead, it’s more important to choose a ball based on weight, composition, and grip.

However, it’s interesting to note that the psychology of colors can affect performance somehow as I discussed it above with an example…

Happy Bowling!

Resources Used for Research:

Let’s Go Bowling

Skills, Drills & Strategies for Bowling

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