How to Clean a Bowling Ball with Household Products? – Step By Step!

Are you tired of your bowling ball feeling sluggish and sticky on the lanes? Well, fret no more!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to clean your bowling ball using household products. 

With just a few simple steps, you can restore your ball’s performance and unleash its true potential.

So, grab your cleaning supplies and get ready to set your bowling game free!

How to Clean a Bowling Ball with Household Products?

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Prepping for Cleaning Bowling Ball at Home

Okay, so here you have to do 2 things.

-Collect Necessary Household Items (mentioned below)

-Prepare Workspace (also mentioned below)

Necessary Household Items for Bowling Ball Cleaning

Before you begin cleaning your bowling ball, gather the necessary household items such as:

– Microfiber cloths

– Spray bottle

– Mild dish soap

– Toothbrush

– Rubbing alcohol

The microfiber cloths are ideal for wiping away dirt and grime without leaving any scratches. 

The spray bottle can be filled with a mixture of mild dish soap and water for an alternative cleaning solution.

The toothbrush is useful for removing scuff marks that may have accumulated on the surface of the bowling ball. 

Rubbing alcohol can be used to disinfect and prevent future dirt buildup.

Lastly, make sure to use proper drying techniques to avoid any moisture damage to the bowling ball.

2 Pro Tips for Prepping Your Bowling Ball Cleaning Workspace

It’s important to prepare your workspace by:

– Cleaning the area

– Ensuring it’s well-ventilated.

Workspace organization is key to effectively clean your bowling ball. 

Clear any clutter and ensure you have enough space to move around comfortably.


Good ventilation is important to avoid inhaling any fumes from the cleaning products. Open windows or use fans to improve air circulation. 

Cleaning safety precautions should also be taken into consideration. Wear gloves and protective eyewear to prevent any accidents.

Tip: Setting up a cleaning station will help you stay organized. Gather all the necessary cleaning materials and place them within easy reach.

2 Bowling Ball Cleaning Methods – Basic & Deep

Now let’s talk about the different cleaning methods you can use to get your bowling ball looking good as new.

There are two main approaches you can take: 

the basic clean for light dirt and oil, and the deep clean for more stubborn build-up.

Both methods can be done using household products, so you don’t have to worry about any special equipment or cleaners.

1. Basic Clean (For Light Dirt and Oil)

To clean your bowling ball from light dirt and oil, you can follow these simple steps.

  • First, mix warm water and mild dish soap in a spray bottle.
  • Then, spray the ball and gently wipe it with a microfiber cloth.
  • Finally, rinse the cloth and wipe again to remove any soap residue.
  • Dry the ball thoroughly with a clean microfiber cloth, and you’re done!

Below I have explained it in detail for conscious beginners.

Step 1: Mix Warm Water and Mild Dish Soap In a Spray Bottle

Grab a spray bottle and mix warm water with mild dish soap to create a cleaning solution for your bowling ball. 

Using household products like dish soap is a cost-effective and convenient way to maintain the cleanliness of your ball.

This mixture is one of the most effective techniques for removing dirt and oil buildup on the surface. 

It’s an easy and efficient method that ensures your bowling ball remains in optimal condition for your next game.

Step 2: Spray the Ball and Wipe Gently With a Microfiber Cloth

To effectively clean your bowling ball and remove light dirt and oil, spray the ball with the cleaning solution and gently wipe it using a microfiber cloth.

By using homemade cleaning solutions, you can save money and maintain your bowling ball on your own.

I recommend you to include this step in your regular maintenance schedule to keep your ball in top condition.

Step 3: Rinse the Cloth and Wipe Again to Remove Soap Residue

Rinse the cloth thoroughly and wipe it again to eliminate any lingering soap residue from the surface of the bowling ball. 

This rinse technique ensures a residue-free cleaning, leaving your ball looking and performing its best.

After wiping, allow the cloth to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

This step is crucial for maximizing cleaning efficiency and maintaining the ball’s optimal condition.

Step 4: Dry Thoroughly With a Clean Microfiber Cloth

After wiping off any soap residue, you’ll need to dry the bowling ball thoroughly using a clean microfiber cloth. 

Make sure to remove all moisture to prevent any buildup that could affect the ball’s performance.

One option is to air dry the ball by leaving it in a well-ventilated area. 

Alternatively, you can use a hairdryer on a low heat setting, keeping it at least six inches away from the ball.

Thorough drying is crucial for maintaining your ball’s condition and ensuring optimal gameplay.

2. Deep Clean (For Stubborn Dirt & Oil)

Now it’s time to tackle stubborn dirt and oil on your bowling ball.

Follow steps 1-3 from the basic clean, then grab a clean microfiber cloth and apply rubbing alcohol to gently scrub those tough areas.

Rinse and dry the cloth, wipe away any residue, and if you want that extra shine, buff your ball with a dry microfiber cloth.

Step 1: Follow steps 1-3 From the Basic Clean

To properly clean your bowling ball using household products, begin by following steps 1-3 of the basic clean method for stubborn dirt and oil.

1. Start by prepping your workspace, ensuring it’s organized and clutter-free.

2. Then, gather your cleaning products and tools, such as a microfiber cloth and a mild detergent.

3. Next, use effective cleaning techniques to deep clean your bowling ball, removing any stubborn dirt and oil.

Step 2: Apply Rubbing Alcohol (70% isopropyl) to a Clean Microfiber Cloth & Gently Scrub Stubborn Areas

Continue by applying rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl) to a clean microfiber cloth and gently scrubbing stubborn areas on your bowling ball to effectively remove any remaining dirt and oil. 

Rubbing alcohol is a great choice for cleaning because it helps dissolve tough grime and disinfect the surface.

Make sure to use a clean microfiber cloth, as different types can vary in effectiveness. 

Use gentle scrubbing techniques to avoid scratching the ball. 

Don’t neglect this step because removing stubborn areas is crucial for optimal performance on the bowling alley.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry the Cloth, Then Wipe the Ball to Remove Alcohol Residue

After scrubbing the stubborn areas on your bowling ball with rubbing alcohol, rinse and dry the cloth before wiping the ball to remove any residue.

Step 4: (Optional) Buff the Ball With a Dry Microfiber Cloth For Extra Shine

Use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the ball for extra shine

This buffing technique enhances the appearance of your bowling ball, giving it a polished and sleek look.

A shiny ball not only looks great on the lanes, but it can also provide additional benefits, such as improved ball reaction and increased durability.

Regular ball maintenance, including buffing, is essential for optimal performance.

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How Other Bowlers Are Cleaning Their Bowling Ball at Home?

Here are some insights from our bowling community.

Method 1 to Remove Oil – Vinegar Soak

Soak a cloth in white vinegar and rub it on the bowling ball surface. Rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly. Vinegar helps remove oil and dirt buildup without damaging the ball’s coverstock.

Method 2 for Dirt & Grime – Dish Soap and Water

Mix a small amount of dish soap with warm water. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently clean the bowling ball surface. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly. This method effectively removes dirt and grime from the ball.

Method 3 for Oil & Residue – Alcohol Wipe

Dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe the bowling ball surface. This method helps remove oil and residue. Rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly. Avoid using excessive alcohol, as it can damage the ball’s surface.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Now that you know the basic cleaning methods, let’s talk about some additional tips and tricks to keep your bowling ball in top condition.

First, it’s important to address specific types of dirt or stains like oil, ink, or scuffs.

In this section, we’ll also discuss the importance of avoiding harmful cleaning methods that can damage your ball, such as using harsh chemicals or abrasives.

Addressing Specific Types of Dirt/Stains (e.g., Oil, Ink, Scuffs)

How to Clean a Bowling Ball with Household Products?

  • For ink stains, try using rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover on a clean cloth. Gently dab the stain until it lifts, being careful not to rub too hard and damage the ball’s surface.
  • When it comes to removing scuffs, a magic eraser or a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Apply the solution to the scuffed area and gently scrub until the scuff disappears.
  • Oil stains can be tough, but a mixture of dish soap and warm water can help break down the grease.

For prevention, wipe your ball down after each use and consider investing in a microfiber towel to keep it clean.

Warning Against Harmful Cleaning Methods (e.g., Harsh Chemicals, Abrasives)

When addressing specific types of dirt and stains on your bowling ball, it’s important to be cautious and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasives that can damage the ball’s surface. 

These harmful cleaning methods can have detrimental effects on your bowling ball, such as stripping away the outer layer or causing scratches.

Instead, opt for alternative methods that are safe and gentle on your ball

Mild cleaning solutions, such as a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap, can effectively remove dirt and stains without causing any harm.

Additionally, there are eco-friendly alternatives available in the market specifically designed for bowling ball cleaning.

By choosing these safe options, you can maintain the longevity of your bowling ball while also being environmentally conscious.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Regular Dish Soap to Clean My Bowling Ball?

You can use mild dish soap to clean your bowling ball. Be aware that harsh dish soap may affect the performance of your ball. Make sure to properly dry it after cleaning and avoid common mistakes.

How Often Should I Clean My Bowling Ball?

You should clean your bowling ball regularly to maintain its performance. Signs like decreased hook potential or a sticky surface indicate it’s time for cleaning. Different ball materials require specific cleaning methods, but removing oil and dirt buildup will improve your game. Regular cleaning benefits you by keeping your ball in top shape.

Is It Necessary to Use a Specific Towel or Cloth to Dry the Bowling Ball?

You don’t need a specific towel, but using a microfiber cloth is recommended. Make sure to dry the ball thoroughly to prevent damage. Air drying is also a good alternative.

Can I Clean the Finger Holes on My Bowling Ball With the Same Cleaning Solution?

Don’t forget the finger holes! Cleaning them is as important as polishing your moves on the lanes. Use the same solution, but be gentle. Avoid common mistakes and clean them regularly for optimal performance.

Closing Thoughts – “How to Clean a Bowling Ball With Household Products?”

So there you have it, a quick and simple way to clean your bowling ball using everyday household products.

Moreover, I recommend beginners to clean bowling ball regularly after every game. It helps to keep it in good form.

So why wait? Give your bowling ball some TLC and start seeing better results in your game!

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